By asking you to differentiate Nietzsche from Schopenhauer.在你身上,我知道自己该遵从尼采,还是叔本华。
I’d like to successfully guess your weight and win you at a féte.请让我兴奋于猜到你体重的喜悦,请让我沉醉于陪伴你共餐的欢愉。
The things about you I appreciate may seem indelicate:在我心里最美的情话,是关于你难以启齿的芳华:
约翰·傅勒,英国作家,出生于1937年,这位诗人在本期榜单中貌似名气最小,但他的父亲可是大名鼎鼎的作家劳埃·傅勒(Roy Fuller)。这首诗有一点“色情”,歌颂的是恋人的举手投足,如:“我喜欢你面颊微倾时的样子”,诗文字里行间还有些挑逗的调调,比如说这句:“痴你与泡沫天真的玩耍,念你的胴体于莲花洒下(I’d like to find you in the shower and chase the soap for half an hour)”。
I’d like to find you in the shower and chase the soap for half an hour.痴你与泡沫天真的玩耍,念你的胴体于莲花洒下。
I’d like to have your back to scourand other parts to lubricate.恋那摩擦在床板之上的云雨巫山,爱你我肆意放纵的鱼水之欢。
Sometimes I feel it is my fate To chase you screaming up a tower or make you cower命运的安排把我带到你的身畔,愉悦你的肉体,震魄你的心灵,
I’d like to have you in my power and see your eyes dilate.愿能以我之姓冠你之名,凝视你含情脉脉的双眸。
I’d like to offer you a flower.请让我为你送上生命中那每一束美艳的鲜花。