1、抬轿起程在锣鼓、唢呐、舞师的伴随下,花轿开始起程。按传统,新娘应该被兄弟背出来送上轿子。不过现代人多独生子女,请柬只能由表兄弟或伴郎代劳,通常也改背为抱了。花轿的路程目前只是走走形式,除非两家特别近,要不从上海这头抬到那头,肯定累趴下。不过… 1、抬轿起程在锣鼓、唢呐、舞师的伴随下,花轿开始起程。按传统,新娘应该被兄弟背出来送上轿子。不过现代人多独生子女,只能由表兄弟或伴郎代劳,通常也改背为抱了。花轿的路程目前只是走走形式,除非两家特别近,要不从上海这头抬到那头,肯定累趴下。不过按照惯例是要给轿夫红包的,否则他们会有意颤动花轿,让新娘“好受”。2、跨火盆和射箭古礼中是新娘坐花轿过炭火盆,不过现在通常都是新娘在媒人的搀扶下直接跨了。然后在下轿之前,新郎还得拉弓朝轿门射出3支红箭,用来驱除新娘一路可能沾染的邪气。3、拜堂和交杯酒火盆之后有的还要跨过马鞍,征兆新人婚后合家平安;然后才由新郎用条红布包着的秤杆挑开新娘头旧的喜帕,这时,一对新人就该正式拜堂了。拜堂后最重要的部分不是交杯酒(合卺酒),而是给双方高堂敬茶,通常这个时候是弄得一群人声泪俱下,场面之感人,在热烈的喜庆气氛中也透渗着浓浓的亲情。4、同心结发和谢媒现代的娶亲仪式,很多都是把该在洞房里的事搬出来展示。比如说结发,应是新人在洞房里相互剪些头发,作为夫妻关系的信物放在一起保存,现在则是当众表演。之后双方母亲同点龙凤烛,新人交换香书美玉做信物,再请出媒人赠送蹄膀。-传统中式婚礼5、闹洞房早时规定,新郎的同辈兄弟可以闹新房,老人们认为“新人不闹不发,越闹越发,”并能为新人驱邪避讯,婚后如意吉祥。-中式婚礼图片
为大家介绍的是宴会 电子请柬 邀请函 directions: you want to invite some friends to a party. write an invitation letter to them individually: 1) invite them to the party, 2) elaborate on the reason why such a party should
结婚请柬be h 为大家介绍的是宴会电子请柬邀请函directions: you want to invite some friends to a party. write an invitation letter to them individually: 1) invite them to the party, 2) elaborate on the reason why such a party should be held, 3) what activities will be arranged for them. copyright dear snoopy, i am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in mr. guo jing’s wedding ceremony with ms. huang rong to be held at beijing grand hotel from 8 to 10 p.m. on april 1, XX. as you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. the occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. this will be followed by a dinner party. at around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by bach and strauss. if you do not have any prior appointment on april 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.